Category Archives: Headline

Hope that is not afraid.

It was not too long ago that we were all making our New Years resolution. Who would have thought life would change so much in the last 3 months. This tiny microscopic virus called SARS-CoV-2 has caused havoc in the … Continue reading

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Serve like Jesus

I’m not sure what prompted Uday G Mohite when he sketched this compelling piece of illustration. But it does represent the darker side of human beings well. It reminds me of a question my good friend asked me some time … Continue reading

Posted in Bogi Blogs, Headline | 4 Comments

What Happens When Failure Strikes

It will go down as one of the biggest disappointments in football history. It was the first semifinal match in the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Brazil was playing Germany on home turf. Both teams had an undefeated record in the … Continue reading

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Happy Christmas!

What in the world is the meaning of Christmas? Christmas is back in town – familiar colors of red, green & white everywhere. Oh yes, don’t forget that old man with a white beard and a pot belly with a … Continue reading

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